Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Swift Kick...

So, I've been wanting to write a blog for the longest time. I have a super secret personal blog with code names and everything, but I have always wanted to write a school "teachery" blog. I started this blog back during the ummer as I was moving into my new classroom, back at my old school. Well, life and exhaustion got in the way and I really slacked off!!!

Today I got the swift kick I needed. A friend of mine started her own blog and it is great. Her name is Casey... Check her out at www.mrshalletshappenings.blogspot.com. Casey teaches kindergarten too. She and I were neighbors at my old school. She is in my old room now!!! She's always been on the ball--making all sorts of games, coming up with great craftivities ... Casey is awesome! When I saw her blog link on Facebook I knew I had to get back on the ball here.

Today was the 100th day of school and I have lots of pictures to share! My batteries in the camera died (of course) , so after I charge 'em back up, we'll be ready to rock!!

I can't wait to post about all of the great things going on in Room 308!

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